Exchange atomic charge information.
Send atomic charges.
Datatype: MDI_DOUBLE
Quantity: NATOMS
Units: elementary charge (\(e\))
Format: Sequentially ascending order of atomic index
The driver sends a set of atomic charges to the engine, which replaces its atomic charges with those sent by the driver.
import mdi
import numpy as np
# connect to the engine
mdi_engine = mdi.MDI_Accept_Communicator()
# retrieve the number of atoms
mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<NATOMS", mdi_engine)
natoms = mdi.MDI_Recv(1, mdi.MDI_INT, mdi_engine)
# create a list of atomic charges using
# method appropriate for your use case.
charges = # some array of atomic charges
# send the atomic charges to the engine
mdi.MDI_Send_Command(">CHARGES", mdi_engine)
mdi.MDI_Send(charges, natoms, mdi.MDI_DOUBLE, mdi_engine)
import mdi
import numpy as np
# connect to the engine
mdi_engine = mdi.MDI_Accept_Communicator()
# retrieve the number of atoms
mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<NATOMS", mdi_engine)
natoms = mdi.MDI_Recv(1, mdi.MDI_INT, mdi_engine)
# create an array of atomic charges using
# method appropriate for your use case.
# Zeros shown here for example.
charges = np.zeros(natoms, dtype=float)
# send the atomic charges to the engine
mdi.MDI_Send_Command(">CHARGES", mdi_engine)
mdi.MDI_Send(charges, natoms, mdi.MDI_DOUBLE, mdi_engine)
#include "mdi.h"
#include <vector>
// connect to the engine
MDI_Comm mdi_engine = MDI_Accept_Communicator();
// retrieve the number of atoms
int natoms;
MDI_Send_Command("<NATOMS", mdi_engine);
MDI_Recv(&natoms, 1, MDI_INT, mdi_engine);
// create an vector of atomic charges
std::vector<double> charges(natoms);
// fill the array with charges.
// send the atomic charges to the engine
MDI_Send_Command(">CHARGES", mdi_engine);
MDI_Send(, natoms, MDI_DOUBLE, mdi_engine);
Receive atomic charges.
Datatype: MDI_DOUBLE
Quantity: NATOMS
Units: elementary charge (\(e\))
Format: Sequentially ascending order of atomic index
The engine sends a set of atomic charges to the driver.
import mdi
import numpy as np
# connect to the engine
mdi_engine = mdi.MDI_Accept_Communicator()
# retrieve the number of atoms
mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<NATOMS", mdi_engine)
natoms = mdi.MDI_Recv(1, mdi.MDI_INT, mdi_engine)
# receive the atomic charges from the engine
mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<CHARGES", mdi_engine)
charges = mdi.MDI_Recv(natoms, mdi.MDI_DOUBLE, mdi_engine)
import mdi
import numpy as np
# connect to the engine
mdi_engine = mdi.MDI_Accept_Communicator()
# retrieve the number of atoms
mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<NATOMS", mdi_engine)
natoms = mdi.MDI_Recv(1, mdi.MDI_INT, mdi_engine)
# create a buffer to hold the atomic charges
charges = np.zeros(natoms, dtype=float)
# receive the atomic charges from the engine
mdi.MDI_Send_Command("<CHARGES", mdi_engine)
mdi.MDI_Recv(natoms, mdi.MDI_DOUBLE, mdi_engine, buf=charges)
#include "mdi.h"
#include <vector>
// connect to the engine
MDI_Comm mdi_engine = MDI_Accept_Communicator();
// retrieve the number of atoms
int natoms;
MDI_Send_Command("<NATOMS", mdi_engine);
MDI_Recv(&natoms, 1, MDI_INT, mdi_engine);
// create a vector to hold the atomic charges
std::vector<double> charges(natoms);
// receive the atomic charges from the engine
MDI_Send_Command("<CHARGES", mdi_engine);
MDI_Recv(, natoms, MDI_DOUBLE, mdi_engine);